Get Involved

Join Our Club

The Fort Payne Rotary Club is made up of business, professional, and community leaders from the area, and we are always looking for motivated individuals to join us.  We meet for breakfast on Tuesday at noon in the Rotary room of the Cattle Stampede. Our meetings typically include a speaker from within the community, touching on a broad range of interesting topics.

We also meet to socialize on many other occasions, from celebrations to casual get-togethers, making sure to build friendships and increase the sense of family.

We encourage you to join us to see if Rotary is for you.  Just contact us beforehand to confirm we are meeting on the day you plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you.

Spread the Word

It may not seem like much, but it is. Spreading the word about our club, about our causes, and about Rotary can have great impact.  The more people become aware of what Rotary International and Fort Payne Rotary Club the great the impact we can have on the human condition.

So, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Introduce your friends, family, and connections to the great deeds being accomplished by our club. Spread the word and the community and the world benefits.

Become a Benefactor

Rotary started with the vision of one man — Paul Harris. The Chicago attorney formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on 23 February 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities.

After setting up his law practice in Chicago, Paul Harris gathered several business associates to discuss the idea of forming an organization for local professionals.

On 23 February 1905, Harris and others gathered at the Unity Building in downtown Chicago. This was the first Rotary club meeting.

Harris died on 27 January 1947 in Chicago at age 78 after a prolonged illness. His death prompted an outpouring of contributions from around the world, but that was long ago, and there is more to be done.

If you or your business would be interested in supporting the continuing causes of Rotary, please contact us.  Your support makes it possible to continue supporting local and global causes that we are passionate about.

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